Wisdom Tree International School in Saharanpur

School Rules & Policy

Important Guidelines for Parents/Guardians

  • Read the contents of this section carefully and follow them sincerely. You are also requested to advise your wards about the content of this section. 
  • Kindly mention the name, class & section of your ward clearly on his/her belongings. (eg. Books, notebooks, bags, lunch box, water bottle, uniform, napkin etc.) 
  • Kindly go through your ward’s Almanac daily and check the messages sent by the school through sms/WhatsApp regularly. 
  • You are requested to inform the school about any change in the address or mobile numbers. • 
  • Parents are requested not to criticize any teacher or school in front of their ward because it may cause the student to lose respect towards teachers or school. 
  • Kindly give the lunch box to your ward in the morning only. The school shall not accept it later. • 
  • Mobile phones or other gadgets are not permitted in the school. If any mobile phone or gadget etc. is found during a surprise check, it will be confiscated and will not be returned. • 
  • Kindly ensure that your child should not bring the following prohibited items/objects to school: Any kind of weapons, Knives, Sling shot, Valuables e.g. cash, jewellery etc. Fireworks, ‘Holi’ colours/Water Balloons, any material which could be a health or fire hazard or any other objectionable material. • 
  • If a student indulges in defacing/damaging school property, his/her parents shall have to pay the fine imposed by the school. • 
  • All students must reach to school 5 minutes prior to scheduled time everyday. Late-comers will not be allowed to enter the school gate. 
  • All the visitors, parents entering the school shall fill the complete details in the visitors book provided at the school gate. 
  • If your child is suffering from a chronic disease like Asthama, Epilepsy, Rheumatic heart disease etc. Please let your child be under continuous medical supervision of a specialist doctor. History of his/her illness along with the treatment being taken must be reported to the school in written.